Black Holes
Black holes are mysterious objects. Many things about it are still unexplained: what is the substance it is made of, what happens to the objects inside, what happens when they die. Today I will be explaining what black holes are, how they are formed, how they can die, and how massive they can get. Black holes are also very dangerous. If we get to close, there is no way out. I really mean no way out. Even if you travel at light speed (which is impossible) you would not escape a black hole, hence it is black.

When a very big star, called a red supergiant, is at its last stage of life, it explodes and creates a huge supernova. A supernova is the biggest explosion in the universe. If the red supergiant has enough mass, it would become a black hole. If it did not have enough mass, it would become a neutron star. This is one of two scenarios from how a black hole is created. The second one is when two neutron stars combine, it creates a supernova where a black hole is released.
In the center of the black hole, there is a singularity where gravity is infinity and space-time is irrelevant. There are many types of black holes, which range from stellar black holes to hypermassive black holes in size. One of the smallest black holes is the size of Paris. The largest one is seven times the size of our solar system called TON 618.
Black holes eventually disperse into space after a while due to Hawking Radiation, discovered by Stephen Hawking. 1974 It theorizes that very slowly, black holes lose their mass when tiny particles move out of the black holes. This process is very slow. One tiny particle takes a thousand years to finally evaporate into space. They can actually grow way bigger and might have no limit, but they have to merge or consume enough matter. The current biggest one is seven times our solar system.
Black holes are a topic that humanity has not discovered much on.
Very interesting, Kevin. Had heard about Black Holes sucking-in things with their enormous gravity. But to also emit Hawking's Radiation (though v v slowly) and end up dispersing into space, wow! So fascinating.